Production / Manufacturing
A.W. Mercer offers 24/7 full service sheet metal manufacturing and fabrication. As a custom sheet metal manufacturer and fabricator, we also offer our customers a variety of welding services. With over 13 AWS certified welders, our employees can fabricate some of the most complex welded fabrications. Our facility has state of the art equipment that gives us great flexibility to provide our customers with precision manufactured and fabricated parts. Our lot sizes typically range from 5 to 500 pieces.
A.W. Mercer boasts some of the most sophisticated sheet metal manufacturingequipment on the east coast. Our state of the art manufacturing equipment includes:
Laser Cutting
LVD Electra Fiber Laser 3015 and Bystronic 3500 Watt Lasers
- CNC controlled with repeatable positioning to +/- 0.002" across 60" x 120" area
- Programmable accuracy in increments as small as 0.001"
- Laser light cuts @ 0.008" diameter

- Stainless Steel from 26 Ga. to 1/2"thickness
- Aluminum from .030 to 1/4" - 5/16" based on type and quality
- Non-metallic materials as well as titanium and brass
- PVC Coated Stainless Steel
Bending & Forming
RAS 7926 Multibend Center
Salvagnini Flexible Forming System
- Multiple bends, short bends, long bends, elbows
- Folding, stand-offs, welding tabs and open and closed hems
- Squares, rectangles, pentagons, hexagon and tapered pieces

- Mild Steel from 14 to 22 Ga.
- Stainless Steel from 16 to 24 Ga.
- Aluminum from .030 to 1/8"
Specialized Press Brake
Beyeler Bystronic PR200 IPC 200 Ton Press 
- 13"™ Bending Length
- Comprehensive CAD/CAM Solution
- 2D/3D Graphics Control
- Integrated Process Control
- 8 Axis Backgauge
- Solid Frame Deflection Compensation
- Automatic Tool Compensation Due to Temperature Changes and Material Characteristics
- Guaranteed Bend Accuracy
- Mild Steel to 1/4"
- Stainless Steel to 3/8"
- Aluminum to 3/8"
A.W. Mercer also has a large inventory of conventional sheet metal manufacturing and fabrication equipment. This extensive list can be found on our Equipment List. We also carry a wide array of tooling for embossments, louvers, integrated hinges and a large selection of standard tooling to form a variety of bends and radius. A.M Mercer is capable of manufacturing items from a variety of metals including cold roll steel, hot rolled steel, stainless steel, aluminized steel, galvanized steel, Galvannealed steel and aluminum.
Our commitment to our customers has been to expand our core competencies to meet their needs and to provide ongoing training for all of our employees. With vigorous and ongoing training we continuously evolve to meet our customers ever changing requirements.